Among several breakfast choices, bread is one of the relatively practical choices. In Indonesia, the type of bread that is most commonly found is white bread. However, consumption of this type of bread should be limited.
Generally, the ingredients for making white bread are wheat flour. Wheat flour used is made from whole wheat with most of the rough leather layers and the husk has been lost during grinding. In a piece of white bread contained 80 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 15 grams of carbohydrates. White bread made from white flour will lack a source of important nutrients, in contrast to whole wheat bread which has better nutritional content.
Consider Health Risks
There are several reasons why white bread should be consumed in limited quantities, namely:Incomplete nutritional content
When whole grains are processed into white flour for white bread, layers that are loaded with fiber and protein will be wasted. Although some white bread is added nutrients, such as vitamin B and iron, but fiber and protein in it is far less than whole wheat flour.
Increase blood sugar quickly
Increased blood sugar levels can occur due to low fiber and protein in white bread, so that carbohydrates and sugar in white bread can be more quickly absorbed by the body. Blood sugar will suddenly be high. This certainly makes it more difficult for someone to control their blood sugar levels. A study shows that limiting the intake of refined products, such as wheat flour, will reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Trigger weight gain
Excess sugar intake from white bread that is not directly used as energy, is likely to be stored as fat in the body. In addition, white bread also triggers hunger faster, so the possibility of calorie intake will increase.
Possible use of bleach
To make white bread that does not have a dull color and looks bright, several bleaching agents are often used, such as potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide, and chlorine dioxide gas. Currently some countries have banned the use of wheat flour bleaching agents, because they can endanger health.
Affects mood
Recent studies have found an association of consumption of refined carbohydrates, including white bread, with postmenopausal depression. Some symptoms that arise, such as mood swings, fatigue, and other symptoms of depression. High glycemic index on white bread is thought to play a role in the emergence of this effect, but further research is still needed to ascertain whether the consumption of white bread can directly cause symptoms of depression.
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